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List of sections

An input file is divided in various sections with a precse syntax for each. You can precise a section by writing #SECTION_NAME in your file. Here is the list of valid section names :

% air resistance => rpa % earth resistance => rpt % fire resistance => rpf % melee damage => dpm % melee resistance => rpm % neutral resistance => rpn % ranged damage => dpd % ranged resistance => rpd % spell damage => dps % water resistance => rpe % weapon damage => dpa ap => pa ap parry => pap ap reduction => par agility => agi air damage => doa air resistance => rea chance => cha critical => cri critical damage => doc critical resistance => rec damage => do dodge => fui earth damage => dot earth resistance => ret fire damage => dof fire resistance => ref heals => so initiative => ini intelligence => int lock => tac mp => pm mp parry => pmp mp reduction => pmr neutral damage => don neutral resistance => ren power => pui power (traps) => tpu prospecting => pp pushback damage => dop pushback resistance => rep range => po reflect => voi strength => str summons => inv trap damage => tdo vitality => vit water damage => doe water resistance => ree wisdom => sa pods => pod set_bonus => sbAIR => air FEU => feu TERRE => terre EAU => eau NEUTRE => neutre POUSSEE => poussee
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